Thursday, December 26, 2013

Flannel Board Inventory

I took the time to organize and photograph my flannel board sets today.  Since I keep them in an old-fashioned file cabinet, it's easy to forget just what's in there.
Of course, they are organized alphabetically.
I used a simple word document.  I added a table with four columns and four rows for each page.  Then I simply added the photograph, the name of the set, the description and then any themes which the set could be used with.

So, without further ado, here's what I found in that old grey file beast:


Not made yet!

For this song:  “I know a fruit that grows on trees and Apples is its name-oh!  A-P-P-L-E, A-P-P-L-E, A-P-P-L-E, and Apple is its name-oh!
Apples, letters (alphabet)
The Farmer’s Wife

For Use with telling the story by Indries Shah.  “Once upon a time there was a farmer’s wife…”
The Apple Tree

For use with the song:  “Way up high in the apple tree, some little apples smiled at me.  I shook that tree as hard as I could, down came the apples, umm, mm, good!” then:  angry, cried, whispered, yawned.
Apples, emotions
Apple Basket

“The first apple in the basket was bright and shiny red…Oh dear!  Oh me!  Oh my!  This basket looks like pastry!  I think we’re in a pie!”
Apples, food,
Barnyard Banter

For use with the book by Denise Fleming
Animals, farm

For use with the song:
Dogs, letters, farms
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

Need photo
For use with the book
Colors, Animals
One Little Blue bird

One little blue bird up and up he flew.  Along came another one and that makes two…
Counting, birds
In My Nest

Use with the text from the board book:  in my nest by Sara Gillingham
Birds, group participation, homes


“Two little dickey birds…one named Jack, one named Jill…”  (Cloud, soft, loud)  (Sky, Low, and high)
Finger play
Black Birds baked in a pie

For use with the Nursery Rhyme
Birds, food?

Pull Bug parts out of your story time apron and make…a bug!

For use with the book Bustle in the Bushes


Fingerpuppets:  “Five little rabbits sitting by the door.  One hopped away and then there were…four!  Etc”

To pull out of the apron
Three Little Kittens

Finger puppets to use with the Nursery Rhyme and a bigger hand puppet as the mother
Cats, conditional love
Little Cat, duck, mouse, pig

For use with the song which teaches sign language
Cat, Mouse, Duck, Pig…


For apron use and also for Five Little Dinosaurs Jumping on the Bed song

Apron usage
Dog’s Colorful Day

To tell the story by Emma Dodd
Dogs, colors
This Old Man

To tell the story/song
Counting, dogs, rhyming

Little White Duck

To tell the story by Whipple
Ducks, ponds, frogs, bugs, snakes,
Animals in Winter

Borrowed the frog and snake from “Little White Duck” and the bird from “Birds”
Snow, Winter, Animals, Hibernation

For use with the song:  “Hibernation, time for Hibernation, Hibernation, Time to go to sleep!”
Hibernation, animals in winter…
Deep Blue Sea

To tell the story from the book by Woods
+Colors, Ocean,


For use with the rhyme:  Five little Flowers
Flowers, spring, gardens

For use with the rhyme:  “One whole pie set by the door, Cut into pieces:  Let’s count four!  Four pieces of pie, all for me!  I ate one piece and then there were three!...”
Food, Thanksgiving, fractions…counting
Five Brown Buns

Use with the Song:  “Five brown Buns”
Food, counting,
Flip-Flap Jack

Song:  There was a man made of food…

Five Green and Speckled Frogs

Use with the song
Frogs, ponds, counting
Three Billy Goats Gruff

Use to tell the story
It looked like Spilt Milk

Use to tell the story
Shapes, clouds,
Lazy Jack

Use to tell the tale
Days of the week…

Jo MacDonald’s Garden

Use to tell the story
Five little Mice

Use with a cat puppet to tell the rhyme:  “Five little mice came out to play, gathering crumbs along the way…”
Mice, Cats
Hide and Seek Mice

Can you find me?  Where can I be?  rhyme
Mice.  Hiding. 

For use in Apron or Five little Monsters jumping on the bed…
Monsters, Halloween

Go Away, Big, Green, Scary Monster!

Use to tell the story
The Squeaky Door

Use to tell the story by Margaret Read MacDonald
Halloween, monsters
Five Little Hoot Owls

Use with the rhyme:
“Five Hoot Owls sitting in a tree, ONE  Flew away and then there were….”
Birds, owls,
Five Little Penguins

Penguins Finger Puppets.  Use with “Five Perky Penguins standing  on the shore…” or song “Did you ever see a Penguin”
Penguins, birds, ice,

Pippa’s Penguins

Use to tell the story

Use to sing the song, “This old pirate has a hat..”

Apron use,
Pumpkins, fall
Jack ‘o’ Lanterns

Sing”  “If you’re happy and you know it…”
Pumpkins, fall, feelings

The Little Old Lady Who wasn’t Afraid of anything

Use to tell the story
Halloween, Pumpkins, feelings

Song:  “Make a Rainbow” to the tune of Skip to my Lou
Shapes, Colors,
Shape houses

Use with the Rhyme:  “Some houses are made of wood and some of clay but let’s make a house just of shapes today…”
A Pizza is a Triangle

Lay down the pieces and say, this is a triangle, etc until you get to the next shape and the children will correct you..


Use with the song:
Who has a shape today?
Shapes, colors
Five Little Rockets

Use with Rhyme:  “Four little Rockets…”
Space, Things that go
Eight Spinning Planets

Tell the story of Eight Spinning Planets

Use with song:  Have you ever seen a turkey?  (to the tune of Have you ever seen a lassie?)
Turkeys, colors, Thanksgiving

Thanks a Lot

Use with the song by Raffi
Zoo Animals

Use with:  My Name is Lou.  I work at the Zoo…
Zoo or jungle animals
Zoo Animals

These are the habitats that you hide the zoo animals behind…also use the snake from Little White Duck
Zoo Animals
Fall Leaves

Use to tell the story of Mouse’s first fall or just for leaves in apron
Fall, leaves

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful, Leslie!! I would like to subscribe to your blog, but I don't seem to have any luck with the subscribe button :( Is there anyway I could this by email?
    Could you also tell me more about your "story apron"?

    Thanks so much :)

    Lois Burgess
