Thursday, September 12, 2013

bugs! Bugs! BUGS!


Books shared or recommended:
Ant and the Caterpillar by Emberley
Bustle in the Bushes by Andreae
The Itsy Bitsy Spider by Trapani
There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly by Taback
Two Bad Ants by Van Allsburg
Very Hungry Caterpillar Pop-Up by Carle


 We found bug parts in our storytime apron this month!
What is it?  Could it be an egg?  Is it a light bulb?  I don't know!

Is it a flower?


Look!  It has six legs.  What has six legs?  Right!  A BUG!
What's missing?

Yes, the head with the two feelers.  Did you know that the feelers help bugs to see?
Let's sing and read a story about a spider.  They have eight legs, but we don't care!

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy bity spider climbed up the spout again.
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the kitchen wall.
Swoosh! Went the fan and made the spider fall.
Off went the fan, no longer did it blow.
So the itsy bitsy spider back up the wall did go.

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the yellow pail.
In came a mouse and flicked her with his tail.
Down fell the spider. The mouse ran out the door.
Then the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the pail once more.

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the rocking chair.
Up jumped a cat and knocked her in the air.
Down plopped the cat and when he was asleep,
The itsy bitsy spider back up the chair did creep.

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the maple tree.
She slipped on some dew and landed next to me.
Out came the sun and when the tree was dry,
The itsy bitsy spider gave it one more try.

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up without a stop.
She spun a silky web right at the very top.
She wove and she spun and when her web was done,
The itsy bitsy spider rested in the sun.

Then it's time for a flannel.  I flannelized the new book  Bustle in the Bushes and use it as a sort of guessing game for the children.  I read the poem and ask them:  "Who am I?"  Here goes:

My eyes are big and orange
And my body's black and fuzzy
And I fly around your house all day
Just being very buzzy!
Who am I?
A Fly!
Good guess!  The next one is really hard, but try!
We've got these two feelers
On top of our heads,
Which wiggle and help us to see,
And we scuttle around
Without making a sound.
Can you scuttle as quickly as me?
Who am I?

A Beetle!
I'd rather not be eaten
So I've got this brilliant trick.
I cling to leaves and branches
And pretend that I'm a stick!
Who am I?

A Stick Bug!
We like to work as an army
Which means that we do things together
Just watch as we carry
These leaves to our nest
You must admit that's pretty clever!
Who are we?
How many spots have I got?
Look at my back and you'll see.
I know that I've got...
Well, I've got quite a lot.
Why don't you count them for me?
Who am I?
 A Ladybug!
There's nothing better than being me.
You may think that sounds a bit funny.
But you'd shout hooray!
If you lived all day
In a hive full of heavenly honey!
Who am I?

I munch on the leaves in the garden.
Then slowly I spin a cocoon.
But now I must sleep
As I'm going to be beautiful soon!
Who am I?



So here are all of the bugs:

Then I bring out the rug and hide a bug:


Bug in the Rug

Put one of each kind of insect on the flannelboard, and put the rug at the top. Have the children look at and name all the bugs, then tell them to close their eyes.  (Sing:  Everybody close your eyes, close your eyes, close your eyes, everybody close your eyes, We’re not peeking.    Everybody keep them closed, keep them closed, keep them closed, everybody keep them closed, no one’s peeking!  Sung to the tune of London Bridge)  While they are not peeking, slip one of the bugs under the rug. Tell the children to open their eyes, and have them try to figure out which bug is missing. You could say a quick chant like, “Under the rug, under the rug, which little bug is under the rug?” Repeat this a few times with different bugs. Try sneaking two bugs under the rug!


IDEA:  Spider on the Floor Raffi song with scarves

Play the song and let the kids tickle themselves with the



The Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar

Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar
(Wiggle your finger)
Into a corner creeps
(Make your finger creep)
He’ll spin himself a blanket
(Spin hands around each other)
And then fall fast asleep
(Mime sleep)
Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar
(Wiggling finger)
Wakes up by and by
(Open eyes and stretch)
To find he has wings of beauty
(Wrists together, hands flap)
Changed to a butterfly!
(Fly away flapping)

(Use with a puppet if you like)

Use with a bee puppet:

Baby Bumblebee Song
I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
 [Cup hands together as if holding bee.]
 I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
 Ouch! It stung me!
[Shake hands as if just stung.]

 I'm squishing up the baby bumblebee,
 Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
 ['Squish' bee between palms of hands.]
I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee,
Ooh! It's yucky!
[Open up hands to look at 'mess'.]
I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
[Wipe hands off on shirt.]
 I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee,
 Now my mommy won't be mad at me!
[Hold hands up to show they are clean.]